our services

Welcome to Efficiency on Tap! We offer a comprehensive suite of services designed to take your business to new heights. Whether you're looking for complete services, strategic coaching, or an all-in-one digital marketing platform, we have something to meet your needs.

Full-Service Solutions

Website Development and Design: Design and development of a multi-page website on any platform.

Branding Toolkit: Design essential branding elements and guidelines.

Lead Magnet with Funnel & Email Nurture Sequence: Create lead magnets with an opt-in funnel and corresponding email sequence.

Social Media Strategy and Implementation: Create lead magnets with an opt-in funnel and corresponding email sequence.

Weekly Newsletter Creation & Distribution: Weekly newsletter creation, distribution, and performance reporting.

Coaching programs

Group coaching

OnTap Coaching Collective: Our 6-month group coaching program is designed for female entrepreneurs who thrive in a collaborative environment. Engage in interactive group sessions where you can share experiences, learn from peers, and receive strategic guidance from our expert coaches. This program fosters a supportive community, helping you to achieve both business growth and personal development through collective wisdom and shared goals.

1:1 coaching

Personal Coaching: With several packages to choose from, our 1:1 coaching program provides personalized attention and tailored strategies to meet your unique business needs. Work directly with a dedicated coach who will help you navigate challenges, set actionable goals, and develop a customized plan for success. This program ensures focused support, empowering you to make significant progress in your entrepreneurial journey.

ontap Marketing Suite

All-in-one marketing platform to manage your digital presence effortlessly

Tools for email marketing, social media management, SEO, and more

User-friendly interface designed for efficiency and effectiveness

Contact Us Today

Ready to transform your business? Connect with us to schedule a Vision Mapping session and take the first step toward achieving your business goals.

© Efficiency on Tap and the onTap Coaching Collective |